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Please color links on meta

I have seen the links are black in the meta site and they are just underlined. Please make them colored like other per-site metas on SE. A link should be different than the rest of the words so that ...
Snack Exchange's user avatar
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Añadir la etiqueta "localismo"

Deberíamos reemplazar la etiqueta con la frase diferencias-regionales por el término único que la define? Localismo m. Vocablo o locución que solo tiene uso en un área restringida. RAE
Danielillo's user avatar
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Traduzcamos toda la lista de etiquetas predeterminadas de Meta

(publicado inicialmente en Tag Housekeeping Requests pero movido a pregunta propia para mayor claridad) y basado en Traduzcamos toda la lista de etiquetas predeterminadas de Meta Dado que en ...
fedorqui's user avatar
  • 34.1k
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¿Cómo podemos gestionar los enlaces del DLE que van cambiando constantemente de formato?

Si por ejemplo busco publicaciones mías de 2015 o antes, veo que el formato de entradas del DLE solía ser del tipo: ejemplo:
fedorqui's user avatar
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12 votes
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Can we get the close and reopen voting thresholds lowered to 3?

This is almost a verbatim copy of a question with the same title on Home Improvement Meta. It goes to the point and I don't see anything to be improved or expanded. This has been tinkered with on ...
fedorqui's user avatar
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Let's provide some assistance with clarifying what's being asked in this Meta.SE question

A question was asked at Meta.SE that could be relevant for us. The asker had some trouble explaining their question. I think I kind of get it, but I can't help yet because my one-week suspension ...
aparente001's user avatar
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3 answers

Incluyamos las preguntas sobre expresiones al tipo de preguntas admitidas en el Help Center

Para poneros en contexto, hoy he entrado y me he encontrado en la cola de revisión el voto de reapertura de la siguiente pregunta: ¿Cuál es el origen de la frase "autolike para no ...
Brian H.'s user avatar
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Change [feature-request] to [característica-nueva]

Look at our required tags: soporte discusión bug feature-request All have Spanish names, except for feature-request (and bug, which I don't think has a good Spanish equivalent). Looking at ...
Stormblessed's user avatar
4 votes
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¿Qué propuestas de modificación del DLE nos ha admitido a trámite la RAE?

Como entusiastas que somos del idioma español, y como consecuencia de las numerosas preguntas y respuestas que se generan en el sitio principal, o incluso de charlas en La Tertulia, a veces nos hemos ...
1 vote
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Será posible (en un futuro) agregar fragmentos de código ejecutable en el Spanish Language Beta

Acabo de ver esta pregunta en el Spanish Language Beta: ¿Existe una versión del “color carne” no racista?. Quise contestar la pregunta agregando un fragmento de código con algunos nombres de colores ...
enxaneta's user avatar
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Catalan Language SE?

Would any of the members of this site be keen on supporting a Catalan Language SE proposal on Area 51? Apologies if meta isn't the appropriate place for questions like this! I saw similar Meta posts ...
jacobo's user avatar
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Proposal: add custom close reason for questions that are not about the Spanish language

This is a feature-request post. Upvoting it means you agree with the proposal. Downvoting it means you disagree with the proposal. You can answer or comment if you want, but you don't need to. ...
user avatar
2 votes
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Should we provide a Spanish version of the "don't-ask" page in the Help center?

Should we provide a Spanish version of the "don't-ask" page in the Help center? It's called, What types of questions should I avoid asking?. I recently learned that our moderators can't change it ...
aparente001's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Please make a pink tag for "canonical questions"

Please make a pink tag for "canonical questions" -- for example Editions of Spanish Orthographies? / ¿Qué revisiones ha tenido la ortografía española? Also, I apparently need help ...
aparente001's user avatar
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Let's add the "status declined" tag, and let's use pink "status" tags more often

Let's use the pink "status-etc." tags within Meta more often. Let's also create a "status-declined" tag for Meta.
aparente001's user avatar
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5 votes
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Proposal: specify that "translations *to* Spanish" are on-topic

This is a feature-request post. Upvoting it means you agree with the proposal. Downvoting it means you disagree with the proposal. You can answer or comment if you want, but you don't need to. This ...
user avatar
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Proposal: make clear that the off-topic "translations" are "translations *from* Spanish to X"

This is a feature-request post. Upvoting it means you agree with the proposal. Downvoting it means you disagree with the proposal. You can answer or comment if you want, but you don't need to. ...
user avatar
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Dilemma: avoiding the assumption of gender without narrowing one's vocabulary

Diego asked an interesting question about how to remain gender-ambiguous when writing in Spanish, and guifa wrote a helpful answer. A related question, posed in 2015, received several interesting ...
aparente001's user avatar
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Proposal: change site description to "Linguists, teachers, students and enthusiasts"

This is a feature-request post. Upvoting it means you agree with the proposal. Downvoting it means you disagree with the proposal. You can answer or comment if you want, but you don't need to. ...
user avatar
3 votes
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Proposal: move "Resources for learning" question to the main site

This is a feature-request post. Upvoting it means you agree with the proposal. Downvoting it means you disagree with the proposal. You can answer or comment if you want, but you don't need to. ...
user avatar
1 vote
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¿Podemos mejorar nuestra página "What topics can I ask about here" con respecto a las traducciones?

Nuestra página "What topics can I ask about here?" no menciona nada de las traducciones. Creo que hay consenso de que si muestra uno cierto esfuerzo, se permite pedir ayuda con expresar cierta idea o ...
aparente001's user avatar
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¿Se puede poner un chat como "featured"?

Hace poco fedorqui reabrió la sala de chat titulada La tertulia, que sirve como sala de charla general sobre el idioma español. Sin embargo, si la gente entra poco en Meta, no digamos en las salas de ...
Charlie's user avatar
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¿Se pueden crear atajos o snippets para ayudar con la redacción de preguntas y respuestas en el sitio?

Es posible que esta pregunta vaya en Meta Stack Exchange más que aquí, pero de momento allá va. Tras un tiempo aquí me encuentro con que hay dos formatos de texto que suelo usar mucho. El primero es ...
Charlie's user avatar
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¿Cuál sería un buen icono para Spanish Language?

No sé en qué momento puede un sitio de Stack Exchange cambiar su icono por defecto (el bocadillo azul con las siglas del sitio) por un icono personalizado. No sé si es a partir de salir de beta, y ...
Charlie's user avatar
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¿Podéis renombrar la etiqueta "nombres" a "nombres-propios"?

De acuerdo con lo comentado recientemente en ¿Qué diferencia hay entre las etiquetas “nombres” y “sustantivos”?, sería bueno deslindar las etiquetas nombres y sustantivos. Mi propuesta de renombrar ...
fedorqui's user avatar
  • 34.1k
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¿Qué os parece si unimos las etiquetas <tiempos-verbales↔verb-moods> y <formas-de-verbos↔tiempos-verbales>?

Sugiero la unión de las siguientes etiquetas: tiempos-verbales → verb-moods formas-de-verbos → tiempos-verbales Soy consciente de que el método a usar es sugerirlas como sinónimas para que luego ...
fedorqui's user avatar
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Can we have a Spanish translation in "What is meta?"?

We have a beautiful page What is "meta" with a good description about it. However, it might be useful to have it translated so its concept is understandable by everybody. Could this happen?
fedorqui's user avatar
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Deberían nuestras etiquetas llevar acentos?

Leyendo algunas de las meta-preguntas (si se debe permitir "Spanglish" en las preguntas, o sobre "editing misspellings", por ejemplo) y dado que cuando accedo a este sitio (probablemente al igual que ...
Diego's user avatar
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About site design

I just noticed that other sites have a banner or different colors based on their site content, like the English SE. It is possible to do the same with Spanish SE? Proposal: I suggest to make the ...
Rosenthal's user avatar
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Spanish Version before the English version in the Help Center

Should be possible put the Spanish version before the English version in the Help Center?
Emilio Gort's user avatar
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Is it possible change the question example in the about page?

¿Es posible cambiar la pregunta de ejemplo en: What is Spanish for "John Doe" in Puerto Rico? La pregunta de ejemplo que está puesta en la página About ...
Emilio Gort's user avatar
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Flag history on first flag

Yesterday I raised my first flag on this site (not the meta) and I'm unable to see the helpful flags link on my profile. If I use the direct link then I can see the flag is not approved yet. I think ...
SysDragon's user avatar
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We should reward members for correcting incorrect Spanish

Stack Overflow is a great tool for programmers, and I can definitely see the potential for using the same format towards Spanish. Having said that, I see some deficiencies compared to the traditional ...
Five Points's user avatar
9 votes
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Provide a button in the editor to insert a sound to an answer

It would be better if you can directly record the sound using the client's microphone, but if that's not possible, a upload dialog similar to the image will be sufficient. Sure all of questions in ...
jachguate's user avatar
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Can words in Spanish in tags be properly spelled?

I like the site having tags in Spanish, but my eyes bleed when I see all accents are missing (and I imagine that diéresis also). Can tags written in Spanish be written as they should (with accents)?
Gonzalo Medina's user avatar
5 votes
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Diacritic accents in links and tags

I've noticed that SE can't deal with links nor tags which has a character with diacritic accent in it. About links, I feel it's important to allow this as RAE website needs the accent and depending ...
JoulSauron's user avatar
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Question of English > Spanish and Spanish > English

Discussing with Filmzy we are not really sure if questions that ask a translation from spanish are on-topic on the site. All this because of this question: COLMO This question is including a ...
Jose Luis's user avatar
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Easy way to type accented characters

Spanish has several accented or special characters: áéíóúÁÉÍÓÚüÜñÑ¿¡ Is there any easy way within the question/answer editor or Markdown to type these characters for users who don't have their ...
jrdioko's user avatar
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