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I cannot see the live preview of my edits

From some days on, I cannot see the preview of my edits while doing them on the main site. Since I have enough reputation, they should show. For example, if I click in the 'edit' button on this answer ...
fedorqui's user avatar
  • 34.1k
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Let's provide some assistance with clarifying what's being asked in this Meta.SE question

A question was asked at Meta.SE that could be relevant for us. The asker had some trouble explaining their question. I think I kind of get it, but I can't help yet because my one-week suspension ...
aparente001's user avatar
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Removal of a link to an article and video from an answer by a moderator

The question I answered was this: The use of 'imperfecto' vs. 'indefinido' in two specific sentences I gave an answer based on a formal, written article and provided the link. ...
Lambie's user avatar
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¿Por qué se borra la primera oración de mi publicación?

Esta respuesta empezaba así: Hay más. Acá van algunas. Pero cuando grabé, vi que me había borrado el “Hay más.”. Edité, lo agregué, volví a grabar: me lo volvió a borrar. Intenté otra vez y lo ...
angus's user avatar
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¿Cerrar las preguntas de anteriores ediciones de Translation Golf para que no inunden la "front page" del stack?

Como algunos habréis visto, esta mañana le he pegado un repaso a los tags de todas las preguntas de translation-golf para indicar el idioma del texto de esa edición. La parte buena, espero, es que ...
user avatar
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¿Editar y borrar la parte "off topic" de la pregunta, dejando solo la parte "on topic"?

Hace un par de días que se hizo esta pregunta: Help to analyze the ”pronombre relativo" in the sentence La primera parte de la pregunta está bien: es una construcción algo enrevesada con mucho ...
user avatar
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Ayuden a editar esta pregunta para que sea aceptable, por favor

La pregunta ¿Son "it", "fun" y "oc" palabras en español? es, para mí, la más importante que he visto en este sitio desde que empecé a participar, porque los ...
aparente001's user avatar
  • 10.7k
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¿Se pueden crear atajos o snippets para ayudar con la redacción de preguntas y respuestas en el sitio?

Es posible que esta pregunta vaya en Meta Stack Exchange más que aquí, pero de momento allá va. Tras un tiempo aquí me encuentro con que hay dos formatos de texto que suelo usar mucho. El primero es ...
Charlie's user avatar
  • 77.6k
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What to do when edit is only 1 very important character change

The post is fine as is, except for the missing accent. What to do? Do higher rep users/mods have a way around this restriction? Should I flag?
Jim Garrison's user avatar
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Is it OK adding information to an answer through suggested edits?

Usually edits to questions or answer correct misspelled words or enhance the formatting of the post. Today, when reviewing suggested edits I came across an edit that added a paragraph to an answer. It ...
Diego's user avatar
  • 48.1k
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Would you add question marks to big quotes?

What is the best way to write a question with a bloquequote? Where should the question mark be? There are three options depending on where the question mark is: 1) no question mark: In Spanish, would ...
Bogdan Lataianu's user avatar
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Link edit desactivado

Parece que no puedo editar esta respuesta por estar el link desactivado. No es cuestión de falta de rep, ya que puedo editar otras preguntas o respuestas sin problema. ¿Será que está aún en la cola de ...
Alexis Pigeon's user avatar
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The community user going crazy, bug, human error or attack?

I encountered the Community ♦ edited this answer: from this: to this: Is this a bug? Someone ...
jachguate's user avatar
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When and how are one-letter edits absolutely necessary? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Making minor spelling, grammar, or punctuation edits When editing a question, it says: Avoid trivial, tiny one-letter edits unless absolutely necessary But then I'm not ...
Petruza's user avatar
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Making minor spelling, grammar, or punctuation edits

When editing posts on StackOverflow, the following message appears: We welcome all constructive edits, but please make them substantial. Avoid trivial, tiny one-letter edits unless absolutely ...
jrdioko's user avatar
  • 17.8k
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Editing misspellings

I know that editing for typos or misspellings should be avoided in Stack Exchange sites. However, as this is a language site, I find dangerous to leave some mistakes in Spanish that could lead to ...
JoulSauron's user avatar
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How do I review suggested edits?

I just noticed I'm now able to approve/reject suggested edits (by clicking on the edit(0) link on the edited question/answer). However, I can't figure out where the link is to see all suggested edits ...
jrdioko's user avatar
  • 17.8k
5 votes
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Edits less than six characters

On several of the betas, I've run into the "Edits must be at least 6 non-space characters" rule. Five characters or less can make a big difference, especially in technical questions on a short word or ...
jrdioko's user avatar
  • 17.8k