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2 answers

Propuesta de nuevo tipo de preguntas: concursos de popularidad

Ya en su día cogí del sitio de Code Golf la idea del Translation Golf, juego que a día de hoy lleva ya 50 ediciones, y no quería perder la ocasión de coger otra de las ideas que se gestaron allí para ...
Charlie's user avatar
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3 answers

Should we accept questions about identifying words in texts?

There has been some debate recently about a specific kind of question that appears, very occasionally, on the main site: questions asking to identify a word in a text that isn't written clearly and ...
Charlie's user avatar
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3 answers

Incluyamos las preguntas sobre expresiones al tipo de preguntas admitidas en el Help Center

Para poneros en contexto, hoy he entrado y me he encontrado en la cola de revisión el voto de reapertura de la siguiente pregunta: ¿Cuál es el origen de la frase "autolike para no ...
Brian H.'s user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Is this site like "English Language & Usage" or like the "English Language Learners?"

I am not sure if I am supposed to write this question in English or in Spanish or both. I will start in English and translate if required. I was encouraged by @Diego to post this question, from a ...
Dzyann's user avatar
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How to ask good "Spanish Language meets X.SE" questions

I have an idea for a "Spanish Language meets Law.SE" question. I'd find it helpful to consult some guidelines for how to ask a good hybrid question. Some do's and don't's. Given that cross-posting ...
aparente001's user avatar
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Is this question on topic?

Is any portion of what follows on topic? I'm looking for either an answer or a reference. I have the impression that US Spanish-speakers are distributed differently now than previously. I think ...
aparente001's user avatar
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Are questions about specific sentences allowed?

There is a sentence which I want to write, but I am very uncertain of it. The site that I'm using (SpanishDict) gives me a direct translation, which I am not sure if I can trust. Here is the question ...
A. Kvåle's user avatar
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¿Seria on-topic una pregunta sobre la traducción de un juego de palabras en particular?

Hace como un mes quise hacer una pregunta, pero me faltó tiempo para publicarla y luego empecé a preguntarme si sería on-topic o no, así que hoy he sacado tiempo para preguntar en meta. El contexto ...
Diego's user avatar
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¿Hay alguna manera en la que podamos hacer encuestas en el SE?

Estaba pensando en una encuesta para el grupo, tal vez polémica, pero que siempre me ha interesado averiguar: Cuales crees que son los dialectos mas bellos y mas feos del español.
Mike's user avatar
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Proposals re the site description

Take a look at At the beginning there is a site-specific description. This also shows up at Here's what our site description ...
aparente001's user avatar
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5 votes
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Sacando el sentido de letra de canción del siglo XVII

Estoy preparando la canción "Un Sarao de la Chacona" (también conocida por el nombre "A la vida bona") de Juan Arañés (m. c. 1649) para mi conjunto de música antigua. La letra contiene varias frases ...
Jim Garrison's user avatar
5 votes
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Proposal: specify that "translations *to* Spanish" are on-topic

This is a feature-request post. Upvoting it means you agree with the proposal. Downvoting it means you disagree with the proposal. You can answer or comment if you want, but you don't need to. This ...
user avatar
4 votes
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Proposal: make clear that the off-topic "translations" are "translations *from* Spanish to X"

This is a feature-request post. Upvoting it means you agree with the proposal. Downvoting it means you disagree with the proposal. You can answer or comment if you want, but you don't need to. ...
user avatar
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¿Son off-topic las preguntas en cuanto al uso del español en el ámbito literario?

¿Es posible plantear preguntas si tenemos dudas en el ámbito literario referente al español? Por ejemplo: ¿Qué quiso decir tal autor? Figurativa y filosóficamente, ¿qué significa esta frase? ¿O ...
Mike's user avatar
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2 answers

Proposal: change site description to "Linguists, teachers, students and enthusiasts"

This is a feature-request post. Upvoting it means you agree with the proposal. Downvoting it means you disagree with the proposal. You can answer or comment if you want, but you don't need to. ...
user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Proposal: move "Resources for learning" question to the main site

This is a feature-request post. Upvoting it means you agree with the proposal. Downvoting it means you disagree with the proposal. You can answer or comment if you want, but you don't need to. ...
user avatar
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Deberíamos mejorar la descripción del sitio indicada en Help Center > Asking

Spanish SE tiene tantos hablantes nativos del idioma como estudiantes de él. Con una comunidad compartida de este tipo sería especialmente importante clarificar quiénes somos y cuáles son las ...
Mörkö's user avatar
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Can I ask beginner level (grammar, syntax, etc.) questions here?

I am about to embark on a serious, long overdue mission to learn Spanish. Assuming I put good effort into finding an answer first, can I ask beginner level (grammar, syntax, etc.) questions here (not ...
Jason C's user avatar
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¿Deberíamos abrir la puerta a agrupar otros idiomas en este stack?

Sé que me voy a meter en el mayor berenjenal del mundo haciendo esta pregunta, pero allá voy. Todo comienza con la pregunta Catalan word for the Spanish language, que ha sido cerrada (y con razón) por ...
Charlie's user avatar
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19 votes
1 answer

Resources for Learning Spanish

Meta is for questions about "the workings and policies of Spanish Language Stack Exchange" (source: What's Meta?). This question was outside of said scope, so it's been repurposed as a FAQ on the ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is asking to translate a short paragraph from English to Spanish on topic here?

I want to see if I'm allowed to ask such a question in the main site? Would you please translate the following paragraphs into Spanish? a proposal for creating a remote sensing and ...
Sepideh Abadpour's user avatar
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How can we improve our vocabulary/word-request questions?

We get a lot of questions about requests for vocabulary/translation, which I believe make for some very weak questions. The most obvious shortcoming, in my opinion, is that these questions solicit a ...
Flimzy's user avatar
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How should we deal with requests for translations of idiomatic phrases?

A common type of question we have is asking how to translate idiomatic phrases from English to Spanish. This was brought up recently in meta here, as it relates to a specific question, but I would ...
Flimzy's user avatar
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Are questions about Spanish certification tests on-topic?

We have a new question about a Spanish certification test: Should this be on-topic here? We have a policy against learning resources, and this seems ...
Flimzy's user avatar
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Should this "translation" question be accepted as-is, or split up?

While I think this question is an excellent use of our resources as a community, I wonder if it's truly on-topic as written: The question is essentially "...
Flimzy's user avatar
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Etymology comparisons

We've seen a number of recent questions asking "Why is X in English different than Y in Spanish?" A couple recent examples: Why is sport in Spanish 'deporte' and not 'esporte&#...
Flimzy's user avatar
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5 answers

We shouldn't allow questions in Spanglish

First, let me be clear that I am not attacking the OPs of these questions. I think this is an important issue that needs to be brought up soon in the beta process. A couple sample questions to ...
Flimzy's user avatar
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Comparisons with English in questions is OK, what about comparisons with other languages?

Given that the topic of the site is Spanish and the language of Stack Exchange is English it seems of course natural to sometimes compare the two languages within a question about Spanish here. But ...
hippietrail's user avatar
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Are questions about learning Spanish on-topic?

Is this site purely for experts to provide answers about translation, nuances etc about the Spanish language, or can advice be sought about learning the Spanish language. For instance: What tips do ...
misterjaytee's user avatar
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Are questions about English allowed or is the site for learning Spanish only?

I've seen several Spanish site that allow questions both about English and Spanish, making for a two-way flow of knowledge. Will site cater only to English speakers trying to learn Spanish and not the ...
Gordon Gustafson's user avatar