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19 votes
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Resources for Learning Spanish

Meta is for questions about "the workings and policies of Spanish Language Stack Exchange" (source: What's Meta?). This question was outside of said scope, so it's been repurposed as a FAQ on the ...
3 votes
2 answers

Proposal: move "Resources for learning" question to the main site

This is a feature-request post. Upvoting it means you agree with the proposal. Downvoting it means you disagree with the proposal. You can answer or comment if you want, but you don't need to. ...
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4 votes
4 answers

Deberíamos mejorar la descripción del sitio indicada en Help Center > Asking

Spanish SE tiene tantos hablantes nativos del idioma como estudiantes de él. Con una comunidad compartida de este tipo sería especialmente importante clarificar quiénes somos y cuáles son las ...
Mörkö's user avatar
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Comparisons with English in questions is OK, what about comparisons with other languages?

Given that the topic of the site is Spanish and the language of Stack Exchange is English it seems of course natural to sometimes compare the two languages within a question about Spanish here. But ...
hippietrail's user avatar
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2 answers

Proposal: change site description to "Linguists, teachers, students and enthusiasts"

This is a feature-request post. Upvoting it means you agree with the proposal. Downvoting it means you disagree with the proposal. You can answer or comment if you want, but you don't need to. ...
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2 votes
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How to ask good "Spanish Language meets X.SE" questions

I have an idea for a "Spanish Language meets Law.SE" question. I'd find it helpful to consult some guidelines for how to ask a good hybrid question. Some do's and don't's. Given that cross-posting ...
aparente001's user avatar
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We shouldn't allow questions in Spanglish

First, let me be clear that I am not attacking the OPs of these questions. I think this is an important issue that needs to be brought up soon in the beta process. A couple sample questions to ...
Flimzy's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Proposal: make clear that the off-topic "translations" are "translations *from* Spanish to X"

This is a feature-request post. Upvoting it means you agree with the proposal. Downvoting it means you disagree with the proposal. You can answer or comment if you want, but you don't need to. ...
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2 votes
2 answers

Propuesta de nuevo tipo de preguntas: concursos de popularidad

Ya en su día cogí del sitio de Code Golf la idea del Translation Golf, juego que a día de hoy lleva ya 50 ediciones, y no quería perder la ocasión de coger otra de las ideas que se gestaron allí para ...
Charlie's user avatar
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