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5 votes
2 answers

¿Cómo podemos gestionar los enlaces del DLE que van cambiando constantemente de formato?

Si por ejemplo busco publicaciones mías de 2015 o antes, veo que el formato de entradas del DLE solía ser del tipo: ejemplo:
fedorqui's user avatar
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Let's provide some assistance with clarifying what's being asked in this Meta.SE question

A question was asked at Meta.SE that could be relevant for us. The asker had some trouble explaining their question. I think I kind of get it, but I can't help yet because my one-week suspension ...
aparente001's user avatar
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4 votes
8 answers

¿Qué propuestas de modificación del DLE nos ha admitido a trámite la RAE?

Como entusiastas que somos del idioma español, y como consecuencia de las numerosas preguntas y respuestas que se generan en el sitio principal, o incluso de charlas en La Tertulia, a veces nos hemos ...
-3 votes
1 answer

Dilemma: avoiding the assumption of gender without narrowing one's vocabulary

Diego asked an interesting question about how to remain gender-ambiguous when writing in Spanish, and guifa wrote a helpful answer. A related question, posed in 2015, received several interesting ...
aparente001's user avatar
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¿Cuál sería un buen icono para Spanish Language?

No sé en qué momento puede un sitio de Stack Exchange cambiar su icono por defecto (el bocadillo azul con las siglas del sitio) por un icono personalizado. No sé si es a partir de salir de beta, y ...
Charlie's user avatar
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Deberían nuestras etiquetas llevar acentos?

Leyendo algunas de las meta-preguntas (si se debe permitir "Spanglish" en las preguntas, o sobre "editing misspellings", por ejemplo) y dado que cuando accedo a este sitio (probablemente al igual que ...
Diego's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it possible change the question example in the about page?

¿Es posible cambiar la pregunta de ejemplo en: What is Spanish for "John Doe" in Puerto Rico? La pregunta de ejemplo que está puesta en la página About ...
Emilio Gort's user avatar
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We should reward members for correcting incorrect Spanish

Stack Overflow is a great tool for programmers, and I can definitely see the potential for using the same format towards Spanish. Having said that, I see some deficiencies compared to the traditional ...
Five Points's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Question of English > Spanish and Spanish > English

Discussing with Filmzy we are not really sure if questions that ask a translation from spanish are on-topic on the site. All this because of this question: COLMO This question is including a ...
Jose Luis's user avatar
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16 votes
6 answers

Easy way to type accented characters

Spanish has several accented or special characters: áéíóúÁÉÍÓÚüÜñÑ¿¡ Is there any easy way within the question/answer editor or Markdown to type these characters for users who don't have their ...
jrdioko's user avatar
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