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9 votes
10 answers

What should we call our "Chat Room"?

Does anyone have name suggestions for Spanish.SE's chat room? I don't like the current name (Sala de Chat) because it's too common; I think we should choose a distinctive name for our chat room. ...
Gonzalo Medina's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Spanish language chat rooms: enter, friend, and speak!

The chat rooms remain still unknown for most users here. The Stack Exchange sites have a shared chat room system that we all can use. We can create public or private rooms, but the thing is that there ...
Charlie's user avatar
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2 votes
8 answers

Cambio del mensaje de bienvenida en el chat de "La Tertulia"

En el chat principal del sitio, La Tertulia, se puede leer ahora mismo el siguiente mensaje de bienvenida: Lugar de chateo para los grammar punkies de Spanish Language Se está debatiendo sobre la ...
Charlie's user avatar
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¿Por qué está "La tertulia congelada"?

Intenté acceder al chat de Stack Exchange Spanish Language La Tertulia y no se puede escribir, no hay nadie y dice que está congelado. O sea, ¿no hay una sala de chat para este sitio? ¿Por qué ...
Theia's user avatar
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¿Se puede poner un chat como "featured"?

Hace poco fedorqui reabrió la sala de chat titulada La tertulia, que sirve como sala de charla general sobre el idioma español. Sin embargo, si la gente entra poco en Meta, no digamos en las salas de ...
Charlie's user avatar
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Proposal: a second standing chat room

Reasons for my proposal: I read an old closed question today that asked Any place to speak with people in online in Spanish? This question actually has an answer, in theory, I think: La ...
aparente001's user avatar
  • 10.7k
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Should there be a chatroom dedicated to language exchange?

As I have seen on Latin language stackexchange forum, there they have a chatroom where they talk in Latin. So I think it could be good if there was such chatroom dedicated for only language exchange ...
Nabla's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Some concerns about recent messages in the chatroom La Tertulia

(Please jump to the ampersands at the bottom if you want the TL:DR) English version follows Compañeros: Antes que nada, ¿puedo pedir, querido lector, que eches un ojo a Stack Overflow Isn’t Very ...
aparente001's user avatar
  • 10.7k