We get a lot of questions about requests for vocabulary/translation, which I believe make for some very weak questions. The most obvious shortcoming, in my opinion, is that these questions solicit a ton of short, one-line answers from every country/region. Some examples:
- Ring: "anillo" vs "sortija" [2 answers]
- Laziness: "Pereza" vs "flojera" [2 answers]
- Difference between "manejar" and "conducir" [4 answers + 1 deleted]
- Spanish for "breasts" [2 answers, and closed for Too Broad]
- "Gafas" vs "anteojos" vs "lentes" vs "espejuelos" in mexican Spanish [7 answers]
Further, about 75% of the flags I see for 'Low quality' answers are from answers that essentially say "In my country we say X" in response to questions exactly like these.
How can we focus these questions to be more constructive, and solicit higher-quality answers?