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wimi's user avatar
wimi's user avatar
  • Member for 5 years
  • Last seen more than a month ago
8 votes

Do we want accepted answers on our site to be unpinned from the top?

7 votes

My recent question

7 votes

Custom Spanish Language design and logo - Information gathering

6 votes

2020 Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire

5 votes

Why the 1661 Tesoro de la lengua castellana o española, for etymology?

5 votes

¿Podrían (deberían) los candidatos a mod responder preguntas sobre moderación?

4 votes

Do we need a migration target to Stack Overflow en español?

4 votes

What effect does having three moderators have on our reviewing policy?

4 votes

¿Hay más colas de revisión con "problemas" aparte de las cierre / reapertura?

4 votes

Pido permiso para usar @ en los adjetivos de mis posts cuando hablo de mí mism@

4 votes

Canonical question for "required duplicate indirect object" (aka "redundant indirect object pronoun")

3 votes

Are we getting enough notifications about new user activity?

3 votes

2020 Moderator Election Q&A - Question Collection

3 votes

Add Cambridge and Collins Dictionaries?

3 votes

Shouldn't we improve the text below?

2 votes

Acerca de localismos en el Código de conducta

2 votes

Traduzcamos toda la lista de etiquetas predeterminadas de Meta

2 votes

What is the etymology of “baca” and “baja”, which seem to be antonyms with a single letter of difference?

1 vote

Should we translate our canonical questions into English?

1 vote

¿Cómo podemos gestionar los enlaces del DLE que van cambiando constantemente de formato?

1 vote

¿Tiene sentido indicar que una pregunta es un duplicado de una publicación cerrada?

1 vote

Is "se" really a synonym of "verbo-pronominal"?

1 vote

Añadir la etiqueta "localismo"

1 vote

¿Habría que datar las referencias a recursos de internet?

0 votes

Do we want accepted answers on our site to be unpinned from the top?

0 votes

Canonical question for "required duplicate indirect object" (aka "redundant indirect object pronoun")