9 votes

Resources for answering common questions

Here are some resources organised by question type: Question Resources What does this word mean? significado definiciones Diccionario de la lengua española (DLE) rae Diccionario del uso del ...
jacobo's user avatar
  • 19.5k
8 votes

Can I ask beginner level (grammar, syntax, etc.) questions here?

Our only real prohibition against beginner-level questions is that questions must demonstrate a minimal level of research. As a general rule, if the question could be easily answered with a beginner-...
Flimzy's user avatar
  • 12.9k
7 votes

Can I ask beginner level (grammar, syntax, etc.) questions here?

Absolutely, we're both ELL and ELU in one (I think the ELL split off once those questions ended up being too numerous on ELU). The main thing is to check to see if there's another question that ...
user0721090601's user avatar
7 votes

What steps can I take if SE is no longer accepting questions from my account?

The post linked by mdewey is quite informative. There's nothing I can add to it but I would like nonetheless to copy here some paragraphs. Automatic bans never expire or "time out." This ...
Charlie's user avatar
  • 77.5k
6 votes

Resources for answering common questions

There are often questions about the relationship between words in Spanish and closely related languages, or the etymology of words loaned from other languages. Here is a list of analogues of the RAE/...
jacobo's user avatar
  • 19.5k
6 votes

Charlie's Greatest Hits

¿Por qué decimos "apropiar" (sin r) y no "apropriar" si viene del latín "appropriāre"? (aparente001: I have always been confused about apropriado and ...
5 votes

Spanish Language meets Stack Overflow

Creo que escribir un algoritmo está fuera del ámbito de este sitio, pero eso no hace a tu pregunta off-topic. Aparte, como muchos usuarios han llegado a este stack desde Stack overflow posiblemente ...
Diego's user avatar
  • 48.1k
5 votes

Sacando el sentido de letra de canción del siglo XVII

Como reglas básicas Pon una pregunta "por duda". Si hay varias frases que no entiendes pon una pregunta para cada una. Eso ayuda a tener preguntas concretas y mejores respuestas por pregunta. Las ...
Diego's user avatar
  • 48.1k
4 votes

Why does Spanish Stack Exchange prefer Spanish questions?

Why would a forum for Spanish learners want the questions to be in Spanish? Well, that's not the site's only purpose: Spanish Language Stack Exchange is a bilingual question and answer site for ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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4 votes

Let's not answer questions that are not well posed

Actually, it is a good thing there is no "pregunta-de-mala-calidad" tag, since it would be up to just one user to tag the question like that, but it takes some consensus to close a question (except ...
Diego's user avatar
  • 48.1k
4 votes

Are questions about specific sentences allowed?

Why do you think your question is about a specific phrase? OK, you have a sentence that you are trying to translate and understand, and it's the core of your question. Other questions are going to ...
Diego's user avatar
  • 48.1k
4 votes

Intentando averiguar por qué tenemos tan pocas preguntas por día

El motivo que apuntas sobre la RAE me parece bastante interesante. Añadiría también la Fundéu. Ambas instituciones tienen mucho prestigio entre los hispanohablantes y, por su actividad aclarando dudas ...
Gorpik's user avatar
  • 10.3k
3 votes

¿Deberíamos abrir la puerta a agrupar otros idiomas en este stack?

Otros Stacks A mi me gustaría mucho que este stack se abriera a los otros idiomas de España. Hay precedentes: SE Chinese incluye tibetano y todas las lenguas chinas (e.g. hokkien, hakka, ...
jacobo's user avatar
  • 19.5k
2 votes

Improving learners' questions regarding some rule or concept they read

Is there some way we can encourage learners to cite the source? Ask in a comment. There is for sure no way that we can enforce people citing sources. Even if we have a Tour and Help sections, with a ...
Diego's user avatar
  • 48.1k
2 votes

Let's train new participants to ask well-constructed questions

Igor is from Russia. He may not know how to write a long text in Spanish or even in English. He claims to be disappointed by the site's automatic rejection of a short question lacking in research. At ...
Gustavson's user avatar
  • 30.4k
2 votes

Intentando averiguar por qué tenemos tan pocas preguntas por día

I have been visiting the site for a while now and enjoyed reading. I have also asked a few questions but recently my flow has dried up. One reason is that as I have read other answers I have an ...
mdewey's user avatar
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2 votes

¿Son bienvenidas las preguntas cuya respuesta exigiría realmente, y directamente, enseñar español o una materia concreta del español?

Sometimes questions like the one you cite get a response suggesting that the OP should clarify what steps s/he has taken to understand, or alternatively the OP is asked to suggest what they think the ...
mdewey's user avatar
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2 votes

Propuesta de nuevo tipo de preguntas: concursos de popularidad

Mi respuesta es un sí condicional y con un pero. Inicialmente iba a votar no, ya que no me gusta permitir situaciones en las que se admiten preguntas que de otra manera serían off-topic (tipo Una vez ...
Diego's user avatar
  • 48.1k
1 vote

Best Questions 2020 - let's build the list as we go

What can be used in Spanish to convey "couch potato"? It's fun to see different approaches to this. And the question was presented in a charming way, too.
aparente001's user avatar
  • 10.8k
1 vote

Ayuden a editar esta pregunta para que sea aceptable, por favor

Tal y como se ve en las revisiones a la pregunta, esto se consiguió en buena manera hasta dejarlo en algo más contestable. Nótese también que en Words With Friends Rulebook se lee: Words With ...
fedorqui's user avatar
  • 34.1k
1 vote

¿Deberíamos abrir la puerta a agrupar otros idiomas en este stack?

Mi muy personal opinion es q en este caso, la union no necesariamente hace la fuerza. El tráfico es relativamente modesto, y afortunadamente la mayoria aqui somos bilingües, sin embargo; las ...
hlecuanda's user avatar
  • 1,292
1 vote

¿Son bienvenidas las preguntas cuya respuesta exigiría realmente, y directamente, enseñar español o una materia concreta del español?

Hay detalles del lenguaje, como el de la pregunta que citas, que son siempre difíciles para alguien que aprende español cuyo lenguaje materno es el inglés. Ciertamente, sería demasiado presuntuoso ...
Krauss's user avatar
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Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible