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4 votes

¿Hay más colas de revisión con "problemas" aparte de las cierre / reapertura?

Efectivamente, la cola Low Quality Posts tiene cierto retraso. Ahora mismo, hay 6 publicaciones en esa cola, y la más antigua es del 3 de diciembre. A esta cola llegan las publicaciones que tienen ...
wimi's user avatar
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4 votes

What effect does having three moderators have on our reviewing policy?

I am happy that you ask this question, because I myself (as an affected party) have wondered about this lately. Here is what I have been doing during my first few days as a moderator. I try to avoid ...
wimi's user avatar
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3 votes

How do you decide whether to vote to close an iffy question?

The moderators have no "magic sauce". We might make "mistakes" like any other users (and I quote "mistakes" because there are some very blatant off-topic questions and others that fall in a grey area, ...
Diego's user avatar
  • 48.1k
3 votes

How do you decide whether to vote to close an iffy question?

The system, for better or worse, requires five users to agree to close a question unless they are either a diamond mod or have the gold tag badge for one of the tags attached to the question. So as ...
mdewey's user avatar
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3 votes

Low Quality answers in the review queue that already got a moderator comment

TL;DR Delete: this is the option if time passes and the user does not acknowledge the community's comments and / or doesn't edit their answer. The long answer: There is no right or wrong answer. ...
Diego's user avatar
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3 votes

What effect does having three moderators have on our reviewing policy?

Now that all three current moderators have indicated that they feel that the current policy is the same as before I think we should wait until after the system change to 3 votes to close being ...
mdewey's user avatar
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3 votes

¿Hay más colas de revisión con "problemas" aparte de las cierre / reapertura?

I am not sure whether this should be a new question as a feature request but it seem relevant here. When I see posts in the low quality queue the thing I really miss is any way of recommending that ...
mdewey's user avatar
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2 votes

Low Quality answers in the review queue that already got a moderator comment

To add to Diego's comprehensive and extremely useful answer... We mods tend to leave comments in such posts as a first step of our action. Trusted users are granted the vote to delete privilege. Once ...
fedorqui's user avatar
  • 34.1k
2 votes

Empty suggested edit?

Somewhere in time this was resolved, so this works well now. See how the tag is highlighted in As indicated in Diff highlighting ...
fedorqui's user avatar
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2 votes

How can we encourage participants to assist with the "review" queue?

Paradoxically, what you just did should be the main thing: creating a post in Meta to bring the issue to the attention of the community. If more manpower is needed in the reviews, and if there's ...
Diego's user avatar
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1 vote

Deberíamos revisar el comportamiento del indicador de Pending Reviews?

En mi opinion, se debe pedir que se cambie la configuración para nuestro stack, para que se comporte de la manera previa a este cambio. Tal vez es un nuevo bug, pero mientras tanto, regresar al ...
aparente001's user avatar
  • 10.7k
1 vote

How broad is "too broad"?

When it was implemented, the definition of too broad was set to: too broad — There are either too many possible answers, or good answers would be too long for this format. Please add details to ...
fedorqui's user avatar
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1 vote

¿Por qué las respuestas de usuarios no registrados no aparecen en Review?

Todas las páginas de Stack Exchange están precocinadas y cuando entramos vemos una edición cacheada. Esto quiere decir que siempre debe pasar un rato (segundos, minutos, horas) antes de que observemos ...
fedorqui's user avatar
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