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There's something you want to discuss with the community. You want users to answer and comment to express their views about it, rather than just voting; and you expect your question to be voted based on usefulness and quality. // Quieres debatir sobre algo con la comunidad. Quieres que los usuarios respondan y comenten para expresar su opinión sobre ello, en vez de solo votar; y esperas que tu pregunta sea votada acorde a su utilidad y calidad.

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2019 Community Moderator Election

The 2019 Community Moderator Election is now underway! Community moderator elections have three phases: Nomination phase Primary phase Election phase Most elections take between two and three weeks,...
2 votes
1 answer

CW answer for an old question with several upvoted answers: would it make sense?

Because of a Late Answers review task, I found myself re-reading the answers to this old question: How do you differentiate between walnuts and pecans in Spanish?, and I was surprised to find that ...
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3 votes
12 answers

2019 Pro Tempore Moderator Election Q&A - Question Collection

Spanish.SE is scheduled for our first election! It will take place next week, September 9th. In connection with that, we will be holding a Q&A with the candidates. This will be an opportunity for ...
fedorqui's user avatar
  • 34.1k
3 votes
0 answers

Una teoría de moderación

Traducción al castellano de A Theory of Moderation. La traducción se publicó inicialmente en Stack Overflow en español. Se ha agregado ♦ para destacar que se habla de los moderadores de la ...
fedorqui's user avatar
  • 34.1k
5 votes
2 answers

What are the limits of "no research effort"?

I just flagged a question about the grammar of gustar as "off topic because of no research effort". I don't like doing that. The thing is, I'm often not sure what our role here is. The unusual grammar ...
pablodf76's user avatar
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7 votes
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Stepping down as moderator - Renunciando como moderador (Joze)

¡Buenas buenas a todos! Después de mucho tiempo, me doy cuenta ya 7 años, es mi turno de dar mi lugar de moderador a manos más motivadas para el rol. Espero que todos participen en las próximas ...
Jose Luis's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Requisitos para preguntas sobre el origen de expresiones

La reciente pregunta ¿Cuál es el origen de la frase “autolike para no desaparecer”?, cerrada a partes iguales por los motivos "offtopic" y "unclear what you're asking", me genera una duda. En muchas ...
Charlie's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Congratulations, you're no longer in Beta!

This site started private beta before July 2012, so it is no longer "beta", it is a full site by our definition. We've removed the word "beta" from your site banner because we believe that you aren't ...
Catija's user avatar
  • 101
13 votes
2 answers

Stepping down as moderator (Flimzy)

Good day everyone. After something like 7 years as pro-tem moderator on this site, the time has come for me to step down as moderator. I hope you will all participate in helping to select a ...
Flimzy's user avatar
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3 answers

Announcing a Pro Tempore Moderator election

Summary: Spanish Language Stack Exchange will begin the nomination stage for a special election on September 9 to bring in two more moderators. For full details of the process, see the announcement ...
JNat's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Has anything changed in our policy regarding the language of answers here?

The bottom line summary of this answer says Ideally, the answers should be in the same language as the question. However, I don't think we should down vote or limit these other-language answers ...
aparente001's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Can the question "In the U.S., may I go up to strangers to practice Spanish, and if so, how?" be rescued?

Someone asked an excellent question, I thought, and found the answer provided quite helpful. I think that that q&a is well suited to our site, even if it is a bit out of the mainstream. Please ...
aparente001's user avatar
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1 vote
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Proposal: a second standing chat room

Reasons for my proposal: I read an old closed question today that asked Any place to speak with people in online in Spanish? This question actually has an answer, in theory, I think: La ...
aparente001's user avatar
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A proposal to help newcomers get up to speed quickly

Motivation for this proposal: I've noticed that each SE site has a slightly different culture. For example, some sites: do not allow partial answers in comments (e.g. Interpersonal Skills) frown ...
aparente001's user avatar
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2 votes
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Proposing moderatorhood

This is a formal proposal to add Charlie to our crack team of moderators. Diego described Charlie's contributions to the site better than I could: preguntas muy interesantes, respuestas geniales ...
aparente001's user avatar
  • 10.7k
6 votes
1 answer

Charlie's Greatest Hits

What are some of our chillin' champion Charlie's greatest hits? Could be a question or an answer (or both!). Give us a link and a quote. Include your name and optionally tell us why it grabbed you.
aparente001's user avatar
  • 10.7k
11 votes
2 answers

Uno entre catorce mil – ¡Enhorabuena Charlie por llegar a 50 K!

Más de catorce mil usuarios registrados. Más de quinientos usuarios en el ranking de reputación. Menos de una decena de ellos por encima de diez mil puntos. Pero solo UNO ha sido el primero en ...
4 votes
3 answers

¿Son offtopic las preguntas sobre términos en inglés que se refieren a aspectos del idioma español?

Recientemente se ha formulado en el sitio la siguiente pregunta: When talking in English about Spanish orthography, which diacritics does "tilde" cover? Iba a responder a la pregunta ...
Charlie's user avatar
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0 votes
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What's a kosher way of switching to the community wiki approach?

Let's say there's a question that gets several answers, but I think the question lends itself to being community wiki. Do I have to post at Meta, or is there some more direct way of switching the ...
aparente001's user avatar
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What are multiple ways a visitor could find the canonical questions?

In a website, the most important information should be findable in multiple ways. For example, an organization's phone number or email address could be in a thin banner at the top, and in the footer, ...
aparente001's user avatar
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5 answers

What topics do we need canonical answers for?

We have some canonical Q-As (listed in ¿Qué preguntas canónicas tenemos? What are the canonical answers we've discovered over the years?), but we need more, so that we can point ...
aparente001's user avatar
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Invert the duplicate relationship

I came across a duplicate question relationship which I think should be inverted. The closed question has better answers. From the accepted answer in the current duplicate I like: It's a polite way ...
aparente001's user avatar
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Is it fair to close an English duplicate question where the pointed-to Q-A is in Spanish? [duplicate]

This question arises from the discussion about whether to close Removal of accents from demonstratives. Let's say we get a new question in English about something that's already been asked and ...
aparente001's user avatar
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2 votes
8 answers

Cambio del mensaje de bienvenida en el chat de "La Tertulia"

En el chat principal del sitio, La Tertulia, se puede leer ahora mismo el siguiente mensaje de bienvenida: Lugar de chateo para los grammar punkies de Spanish Language Se está debatiendo sobre la ...
Charlie's user avatar
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3 votes
5 answers

Y tú ¿por qué participas en Meta?

Inspirado por Y tú ¿por qué no participas en Meta?, me gustaría comparar las diferentes motivaciones que tienen los que participan con cierto ritmo en nuestro Meta.
aparente001's user avatar
  • 10.7k
9 votes
4 answers

Do we want a different favicon for Spanish Language?

Currently both Spanish Language and Earth Science have a favicon that is almost the same (see Meta.SE Favicon of Earth Science and Spanish are too similar (exactly the same in HNQ list) and Earth ...
fedorqui's user avatar
  • 34.1k
7 votes
6 answers

Y tú ¿por qué no participas en Meta?

En estos últimos tres o cuatro meses, quitando a los dos moderadores, se pueden contar con los dedos de una mano los usuarios que han preguntado / respondido / comentado algo, lo que sea, en hilos de ...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

¿Qué etiquetas deberíamos utilizar para las preguntas del tipo "Diferencia entre la palabra X y Y"?

Veo la pregunta What is the difference between "migas" and "migajas"?, con etiquetas uso-de-palabras y vocabulario y me quedo dudando: ¿es correcto que use estas etiquetas? Hago ...
fedorqui's user avatar
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Moderators can now exclude questions from the HNQ list – when should we use this?

The mechanics Hot Network Questions (HNQ) are questions shown in the bottom right sidebar featuring from other sites of the Stack Exchange network that are considered “hot” by a heuristic that takes ...
fedorqui's user avatar
  • 34.1k
3 votes
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¿Sobre qué elementos de revisión debemos evitar los mods ejercer el "binding vote"?

Los moderadores tenemos un "binding vote" para todos los elementos del stack que moderamos (cerrar y abrir preguntas, borrar y desborrar contribuciones - cualquier cosa en las colas de revisión). Esto ...
Diego's user avatar
  • 48.2k
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Shall we start making our own collection of false cognates, and if so, where?

I was just editing a bilingual answer and had to take out "censorship" and use "censure" instead. ("Censure" is "criticism" but "censorship" refers to the suppression or prohibition of part of a book,...
aparente001's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How do you decide whether to vote to close an iffy question?

I've noticed that deciding whether to close a question on this site is a bit different from some other sites. I've become persuaded that it makes sense to be less stringent here than on some other ...
aparente001's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

How can we encourage participants to assist with the "review" queue?

In a recent Meta comment, a moderator wrote: We need more people to go through the /review section. Otherwise it is @Diego and me cleaning it up, which works in the meanwhile but just hides the ...
aparente001's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

¿Qué implicaciones tiene graduarse?

Al hilo de la pregunta Would our site like to contribute an opinion to a Meta.SE question about difficulties sites like ours have trying to graduate from Beta? ha resurgido el debate sobre qué tan ...
fedorqui's user avatar
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Would our site like to contribute an opinion to a Meta.SE question about difficulties sites like ours have trying to graduate from Beta?

A Meta.SE question Writing.SE clamours for graduation has brought up the difficulties sites like ours have trying to graduate from Beta. Would we like to weigh in? Either with one voice, or with ...
aparente001's user avatar
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How can we salvage the question "Are names of international figures still translated routinely in Mexican universities?"?

I would like to reopen Are names of international figures still translated routinely in Mexican universities?, which is specifically focused on famous people whose names come up in Mexican ...
aparente001's user avatar
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2018: a year in moderation

A distinguishing characteristic of these sites is how they are moderated: We designed the Stack Exchange network engine to be mostly self-regulating, in that we amortize the overall moderation cost ...
Shog9's user avatar
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Retrospectiva de 2018 en // 2018 Retrospective

Sirva este post para desearos a todos los usuarios feliz entrada y salida del año. Ahora que estamos a punto de empezar 2019, parece un buen momento para hacer una retrospectiva de lo que ha sido ...
Diego's user avatar
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¡Empieza el Winter Bash 2018! / Let the Winter Bash 2018 start!

¿Habéis visto un nuevo icono copo de nieve en la parte superior de la barra de usuario? ¡Se trata del Winter Bash 2018! Yo me acabo de dar cuenta de que estaba. ¿Me he perdido alguna notificación? ...
Diego's user avatar
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2 votes
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¿Seria on-topic una pregunta sobre la traducción de un juego de palabras en particular?

Hace como un mes quise hacer una pregunta, pero me faltó tiempo para publicarla y luego empecé a preguntarme si sería on-topic o no, así que hoy he sacado tiempo para preguntar en meta. El contexto ...
Diego's user avatar
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Is there a difference really between [tag:reflexivos] and [tag:pronominales]

Is there a difference really between reflexivos and pronominales? I had never heard of pronominal before participating in this site. Example question: I understand that Me llamo is like, I am [...
aparente001's user avatar
  • 10.7k
1 vote
1 answer

Removal of a link to an article and video from an answer by a moderator

The question I answered was this: The use of 'imperfecto' vs. 'indefinido' in two specific sentences I gave an answer based on a formal, written article and provided the link. ...
Lambie's user avatar
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What's the difference between [orden-de-palabras] and [sintaxis]?

What's the difference (if any) between orden-de-palabras and sintaxis? What I mean is, what are some examples (if they exist) that should have one or the other tag, but not the other? Or, are they ...
aparente001's user avatar
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¿Responder de acuerdo al uso coloquial o de acuerdo a las reglas del idioma?

Dado que el lenguaje es dinámico y está en constante cambio, es habitual que primero se genere una nueva forma de expresión, y sólo después se acepte como norma dentro del lenguaje. Cuando una ...
Santiago's user avatar
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2 answers

Is the "deletreo" tag needed?

Prologue: This question originally appeared at Tag Housekeeping Requests. I brought it over here and gave it a separate thread of its own because that request/proposal turned out to need more ...
aparente001's user avatar
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11 answers

Tag Housekeeping Requests

This is a page where simple tag housekeeping can be requested. If you have an idea for, for example, a tag synonym, this is a good place to record it. If your simple request turns out to need more ...
-2 votes
2 answers

Newcomer's off-topic post: to downvote or not to downvote?

How this question originated: I read an interesting discussion in La Tertulia about whether it's a good idea to downvote a newcomer's off-topic question. I thought this could be a fruitful discussion ...
aparente001's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the purpose of "meaning-in-context" tag?

I just noticed that we have a meaning-in-context tag. As of now the tag has no usage guidance. Only two questions are tagged with this tag and one of the is closed as off-topic. The other queston is ¿...
Diego's user avatar
  • 48.2k
0 votes
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Gentle ways of bringing newcomers into our way of doing things

Let's edit imperfectly posed questions which are salvageable. What I have learned from my participation at Academia SE and ELU SE is that when a newcomer asks a question that isn't on topic, rather ...
aparente001's user avatar
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1 vote
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What's the difference between [acentuación] and [diacríticos]?

What is the difference, if any, between the tag acentuación and the tag diacríticos? If a question is correctly tagged with acentuación, then is the ortografía tag actually ...
aparente001's user avatar
  • 10.7k

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