Questions tagged [formulado-de-preguntas]

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2 votes
1 answer

¿Habría que datar las referencias a recursos de internet?

En las preguntas (y en las respuestas) con frecuencia se incluyen enlaces a páginas web y se requiere que se cite el texto pertinente. Pero si con el tiempo el contenido de la página enlazada cambia ...
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2 votes
2 answers

Should we provide a Spanish version of the "don't-ask" page in the Help center?

Should we provide a Spanish version of the "don't-ask" page in the Help center? It's called, What types of questions should I avoid asking?. I recently learned that our moderators can't change it ...
aparente001's user avatar
  • 10.8k
2 votes
2 answers

A proposal for how to keep the Resources page uncluttered

Some recent additions to the Dictionaries section of the Resources page are much more detailed than the rest of the page. I don't want to lose all that information, so I'd like to see some of the ...
aparente001's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Where could we add the following guidelines?

When someone asks for a term or a phrase, especially if it's How Do I Translate This to Spanish, a recent question illustrated that one can't properly answer unless the following is specified: target ...
aparente001's user avatar
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19 votes
1 answer

Resources for Learning Spanish

Meta is for questions about "the workings and policies of Spanish Language Stack Exchange" (source: What's Meta?). This question was outside of said scope, so it's been repurposed as a FAQ on the ...
3 votes
1 answer

Are users in Spanish.SE more prone to reward questions written in Spanish?

Okay, not to be judgmental or anything, but from my I have seen from questions asked on the SE, questions asked in Spanish gain a lot of upvotes, which translates into the fact that many people like ...
user11355's user avatar
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What are the step to follow with the same user asking the same thing over and over again?

The case of this user He ask 3 times the same question and ask again in an answer 1- voiceless vs voiced consonants / consonantes sordas vs sonoras ...
Emilio Gort's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Are general definition questions allowed?

Are questions about a definition easily findable in google or RAE acceptable for the site? Give me your opinions :)
Jose Luis's user avatar
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3 answers

Is my question/answer ratio something I need to be worrying about?

My Spanish is somewhat rusty and unpracticed. Whilst I am confident in my reading and listening ability, I would not consider myself competent to string too many error-free sentences together. As a ...
razlebe's user avatar
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