My question at What rules do I determine for pronouncing "c", "j", "l", "s", "x", and "z"? has a very long history. I first had to ask the meta question at My recent question. Then I edited my question. Later, I received one answer. I accepted the answer. However, two weeks later, my question is closed as off-topic. The mods who answered my other meta question were not the ones to close the question. However, 5 other community members decided to close the question. The answers in my other meta question say that my question is a duplicate. But, my question above is closed as off-topic and not as duplicate of Distribution of Spanish speakers regarding 's' and 'c' pronunciation. Can anyone here tell why the question was not closed as duplicate, but was closed as off-topic?

  • 1
    Closing this as a duplicate of your other Meta question because all your answers are there. If you want this Meta question to be reopened, please edit this question to clearly state why the answers in the linked duplicate do not convince you.
    – wimi
    Commented Dec 29, 2021 at 16:22


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