I'm encouraged by some of the new visitors and new questions we've been getting lately. I'm also very encouraged by the fact that we have zero unanswered questions on our site (or sometimes just one or two, if they're very new).
And after nearly 3 years in beta, our numbers are looking very good in practically all areas--except one (number of questions asked), but that is increasing, too, slowly, but surely.
But now I would like to mention one thing that I think we could do immediately, and practically effortlessly, to help encourage more questions, and hopefully get this site out of beta that much sooner.
Let's upvote, folks!
I see a lot of questions, like this one, which (at the time I saw it) had three up-voted answers, but not a single vote on the question itself! If a question is worth answering, it ought to be worth up-voting as well, don't you think?
Let's encourage each other by upvoting--both questions and answers, but especially questions! Up-votes are free. They don't cost you anything! And they encourage questions to be asked, which is the thing our community needs most right now.