English version below (corrections are welcome)
¡Buenas, peña!
Me comunican desde arriba que en un corto espacio de tiempo este sitio tendrá sus primeras elecciones reales y completas a moderador, como corresponde a los sitios que han perdido su estatus de beta. Podéis leer cómo funcionan estas elecciones (y los requisitos que hacen falta para presentarse) aquí.
El objetivo de esta publicación es conocer el interés que tenéis en presentaros a estas elecciones, antes de que las elecciones tengan lugar. Ya os digo que yo me presentaré, por lo que en caso de que nadie más se presente al menos este sitio tendrá un moderador, aunque no me gustaría seguir solo.
Por favor, publicad una respuesta solo en el caso de que tengáis planeado presentaros como candidatos (tened en cuenta que publicar una respuesta aquí no significa que seáis ya candidatos, el tiempo de presentaros oficialmente como tales vendrá más adelante).
Os iré informando de todo lo que vaya aconteciendo al respecto.
Hello, people!
I've been told from above that in a short space of time this site will have their first "full" elections for moderators, as corresponds to the sites that have lost their beta status. You can read how these elections work (and the requirements needed to run in them) here.
The purpose of this post is to gauge any interest people have in running for a moderator position in these elections before the elections actually happen. I can tell you that I'm going to run in them, so in case no one else shows up at least this site will have a moderator, although I would not like to continue alone.
Please post an answer only if you plan to present yourself as candidates (keep in mind that posting an answer here does not mean that you are already a candidate, the time to officially present yourself as such will come later).
I will keep you informed about everything that happen about this matter.
"If the number of nominees is less than or equal to the number of moderator slots the election will add, this phase will be extended by another seven days. If this is still the case once the extended period is over, the election will either be cancelled entirely (on graduated sites) or the nominee(s) will be made pro-tem moderators (on beta sites)."
How many moderator positions are available? Since we are no longer a Beta site, if we get ≤ this many candidates, will we have no moderators?