I was the mod that did these changes.
Let's see how your post looked before I changed it in order to focus the debate on the key aspect here: you need to reference content properly.
3.4.1 El Pretérito Y El Imperfecto En La Narración Como hemos dicho, el pretérito sirve para expresar acciones ocurridas en el
pasado, percibiéndolas como completas o en su totalidad. El
imperfecto, por su parte, sirve para expresar acciones ocurridas en el
pasado, enfocándose, no en su principio o en su final, sino en una
parte del proceso, en su naturaleza cíclica o en su naturaleza
continuada. Dado este contraste, el pretérito toma un aire de mayor
definición y el imperfecto uno de indefinición. Esto hace que, si
observamos el uso de uno y otro en narraciones nos demos cuenta que,
con frecuencia, el imperfecto es usado para establecer el fondo de la
narración, mientras que el pretérito sirve para avanzar la trama.
Escuchemos a continuación los dos primeros minutos del cuento de Caperucita Roja. Fíjate en el uso del pretérito y del imperfecto.
[Se puede observar lo que dijo el autor, escuchando el cuento].
el pasado en la narración
Se puede utilisar los dos. Depende de como el autor quiere contar
la historia.
I gave an answer based on a formal, written article and provided the link.
Included in the quote from the article was mention of a video, which appears under the text in the link. The author provided the video to illustrate his point. So, I included it in my citation.
This is the key element here that triggered my edit. In How to reference material written by others we have clear guidelines on how to do so:
- Provide a link to the original page or answer
- Quote only the relevant portion
- Provide the name of the original author
You did fulfil 1, you quoted a bit too much (2) and you did not fulfil 3. I edited to accomplish the three points and indicated so in my edition (cito convenientemente y elimino parte final, pues no tiene sentido sin incrustar el vídeo).
You know why the edition was made and you seem to be ignoring our kind requests to quote properly. Please don't.
A moderator edited my answer. He corrected one minor mistake (puede needed an n: pueden), removed the link to the cited article, locked the post and says there is a dispute. He said I had not provided the link to the video or that an additional link was needed. That is not so. One link covered both the article and the accompanying video.
As I just said: please don't ignore our requirements. You are not new to the Stack Exchange network and perfectly know what the rules are regarding referencing external material.
In case you know to dig a bit more into the How to reference material written by others document, you can check some interesting answers to What to do about missing source attributions? and What's up with all these dictionary reference edits? in a site you also use, English.SE.
I was forced to lock the post in order to stop the ridiculous situation of you rolling back a moderator edit for the second time in less than 24 hours. Locking is a resource we mods use to try to reach some consensous before going on in an edit war.
I agreed with the typo correction and am pretty upset about how my answer was completely changed to look wrong and without a link to the article. Originally, I had two upvotes. Now my answer looks ridiculous.
This is false. I just quoted properly and corrected some grammar mistakes and typos.
Regarding the rest of the things:
Currently, embedding a video is not supported. You can insert a SoundCloud audio, as it was done in this answer. This is why the part of your answer quoting escuchemos a continuación... was no sense. Instead, you can explain that the given link contains a YouTube video with an example. You can do so when the 24 hours lock is lifted.
In your 4th revision you added some extra text into your answer in order to illustrate my supposedly incorrect correction of como/cómo. While it is interesting to cross check corrections, please:
- use comments to talk about the edits, since that part was not providing any useful content to the answer itself.
- quote properly if you are copying content from the RAE website.
To sum up: do use proper references to resources and do not fall into edit wars. We want a quiet site with kind behaviours.
I am quite an editor myself and try my best to improve posts. Everyone has their style, but there are basic guidelines we need to follow.