Every SE site has its own character. That is all well and good.
I asked three questions at Meta on April 9 and another on April 10 and apparently overloaded the system by asking four questions in quick succession (see Let's clarify the tag "escritura"; and two comments at another thread, starting with We have a "lo" tag but no "le" tag). This was not my intention and I would like to understand the expectations here better, to avoid doing this again in future. Could a rule of thumb be provided, please, as to what functional daily or weekly limit I should try to keep within? In other words, what question frequency still feels comfortable, without it feeling like I'm overparticipating?
It seems that ordinary mortals are rather limited in what they can do in this realm without moderator assistance
. I disagree. High level users are undistinguishable from mods regarding abilities to make changes. The mechanism of the stacks rewards you with more power to improve the stack as you earn the trust and support of you peers, but you also need to understand the community's pulse and engage them successfully. Fedorqui has been trying to help you w/ this, but you keep disregarding his advice. Please, listen to him.