I seem to remember writing at some point that the only use case that I could find to keep a tag that said "do not use this tag" is if we see that this tags gets periodically created, misused and deleted, over and over again. The rationale would be "better to keep the tag and document the problem on it's wiki info than hitting and discussing the problem in meta all over again".
I don't think that this is the case, so I'll vote (officially) to delete them.
I think that we already discussed repurposing the “aprendizaje” tag. I don't think that this tag can be salvaged, so it should be deleted.
When I see the tag aprendizaje, I think it should be related to questions related to "how to learn" and seeing fedorqui's post most of these questions tend to be closed of could probably use some other tag about what you are trying to learn about, so I don't see the point of that tag.
[aprendizaje] closed:no
returns just 7.