I found a small issue with the FAQ page.

Basically, the first 6 items in the navigation menu on the right side, all point to the first section.

If you know a bit of HTML and look at the source code, you can see that the header's ID is different than the link's HREF:

<h2 id="link-qu-tipo-de-preguntas-puedo-hacer-aqu"> ...


<a href="#qu-tipo-de-preguntas-puedo-hacer-aqu" class="section-link">¿Qué tipo de preguntas puedo hacer aquí?</a>

Is this the proper place to report s?


1 Answer 1


The first part of the FAQ is written by each SE site, and it's also down in Markdown (like questions and answers), which means that those links are generated automatically. I see that this happens in other beta sites as well, maybe SE staff should fix it.

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